Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bury the scoundrels !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a very nice suggestion, in case the CWG games are called off, and that is to fill up the J.N stadium to its capacity and in full view of a packed stadium bury both these scoundrels Kalmadi and Bhanot up to their necks in concrete, and let them rot there. By this noble act the full shame that these two corrupt crooks have brought on our nation will never go away, but at least those of us who are seething inside will find some peace with the sense that at least some justice is being done.

By his stupid remarks on television watched by the whole world, Bhanot has confirmed that he pisses in his own living room and sleeps on beds soiled by dogs. That is his standard and personal life style and he is very smug and happy about it. We the nation of India do not have any objections to his life style and his standard of living, but saying that his standard of hygine is the same as the rest of India is disgusting. He should be hanged for this. He has announced to the world that we proud Indians are filthy and live the way that he does.I don't think anyone of us can ever forget him for this.

The rest of the world has already written of the Commonwealth games and for all of us Indians it is the tragedy of this century, when all of us helplessly watched a small group of men swindling crores and crores of rupees, enhancing their personal wealth and putting all of us to shame.

1 comment:

  1. The C W G were brought to our country on the maxim "Where there is a will there is a want"
    The sucess of the games or failure depend on the following laws-SODD'S second law states-Any system must be designed to withstand the worst possible set of circumstances.
    HANE's law-There is no limit to how bad things can get.
    THE ROMAN Rule-The one who says it cannot be done should never interrupt the one who is doing it.
    And for KALMADI.He follows HERTZBERG'S Law - Never lose hold of what you've got until you"ve got hold of something else.And finally LEAHY'S Law states-If a thing is done wrong often enough,it becomes right.
