Monday, August 30, 2010

The story goes on

Back in January 2010 about 8 months ago, I had written on the pathetic state of Indian sport. Looking at the situation with the CWG today my posting came in 8 months too early.
Since January things have not improved one bit, instead have deteriorated further. We have an 80 plus lady heading Hockey India, simply because the controlling mafia does not want to see change and bring in a new person who could expose the skeletons in the cupboard. The Hockey coach has put up his hands in surrender saying that he has lost and our corrupt system has won. Suresh Kalmadi the chief destroyer of Indian sport shamelessly continues in his post and also keep interfering in every other sport. The country has been put to shame by the actions of Kalmadi and his chelas and internationally we have become laughing stocks. He will never quit his post until he physically dragged and thrown out.
Anyway why should he?. As a businessman he combines his personal foreign business trips along with those of the Olympic association and puts to use the money supposed to be spent on the welfare of sport for his personal needs. Expensive wine flows at the sports annual meets in five star hotels while at the same time the athletes do not get paid their wages and allowances. They do not get proper diet in camps. Millions of dollars have been siphoned off during the past few years which were meant for infrastructure development for the CWG. Everybody in Kalamdi’s group has made money and are sitting cosy.
Last year our minister of sports proposed limited tenures for heads of sports bodies. This was a right proposal and everyone should have supported it. Kalmadi started screaming and crying then, but no other MP came forward in support of the sports minister, because lots of politicians cutting across party lines are heading various sports bodies and they too did not want to lose their positions. Even though I am not a great fan of Mani Shankar Aiyar, I must agree that what he says about the CWG and Indian sport is true. Be very clear that these games will in no way help improve Indian sport. They will only succeed in making Kalmadi and his chamchas richer. In the end we will be left with sub standard infrastructure which will eventually rot and wither. Kalmadi and his chelas will continue ruling Indian sport and taking it further and further down.................what a waste.


  1. Point Taken.This time around change is in the air.We have a sardar heading the country and a sardar heading the ministry of sports.So What?Milkha Singh will replace Kalmadi.Yeh Sheru Ka Prediction Heh!!!


    All we see these days in the media is country bashing. It's become sort of fashionable to do so. No one writes about the positive elements which are there as well and more than ever before.
    Suraj - well written. But I am still hopeful and confident that the CWG will be a huge success !!

