Monday, November 16, 2009

1 comment:

  1. Well written.Yes the british were instrumentel in uniting the country for their own needs.But i disagree to the rest of the observations,reason-Well known journalist T.J.S.GEORGE had warned a decade ago,of lumpens taking over our society unless we bring them to the main stream.His words sound prophetic today.And now with the ilks of Udav and Raj Thackeray,Praveen Togadia,Pramod Muthalik and others of the same tribe leading these lumpens,this country will disintegrate.Napolean once said "When people stop complaining,they start thinking".Unless we act instead of complaining,we will watch nothing but destruction.And if each one of us think that we are too small to make a difference i have a maxim TRY GOING TO BED WITH A MOSQUITO IN THE ROOM.
